Open letter from Tehran Bus Workers’ Syndicate to workers and labour organizations around the world
Reza Shahabi’s life endangered by his continued confinement! Tehran bus workers’ syndicate is urging all workers and labour organizations in Iran and throughout the world to utilize their maximum capacity for saving Reza Shahabi’s life! Tehran’s Bus Workers Syndicate...
U.S. Socialist Labor Activist Speaks on Solidarity with Syrian & Iranian Working Class
Editors’ Note: Below is an expanded version of a presentation which John Reimann, a socialist labor activist in the U.S. gave on November 4, 2017 in Los Angeles at a Left Coast Conference panel on solidarity with Syrian and Iranian progressives. Reimann is a retired...
The Particular Features of the Islamic Republic’s Capitalism and the Need for a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism/Militarism
There is no doubt that there are divisions within the Iranian ruling class concerning economic and political approaches. There is no doubt that Iran’s capitalism is inefficient. There is no doubt that the IRGC acts like a Mafia band. However, currently, it seems...
Solidarity with Iranian Workers: Free Labor Activist Jafar Azimzadeh
A group of scholars and activists have issue a statement to protest the flogging of Iranian mine workers and to call for the release of Iranian labor activist Jafar Azimzadeh. Azimzadeh has been on a hunger strike since April 29, 2016. Background information and...
Joint May Day Resolution of Independent Iranian Workers’ Organizations
Translator’s Note: The following joint resolution by seven independent Iranian labor unions and organizations was issued on May 1, 2015 amidst a growing wave of strikes by workers, protests by teachers and nurses, and arrests of union leaders. The...
Critique of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century
Frieda Afary April 3, 2016 Abstract: This critical review summarizes the arguments and facts in Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century and then discusses the main differences between this work and Karl Marx’s Capital: For Piketty, capital...