Sunday November 17, 2019 7 p.m. -9:30 p.m. Geneva time
Livestream Dialogue with socialist activists from Iraq, Iran, Sudan, China and the United States about what is new in their struggles. Our discussion will include the opposition to racism and imperialism, the embrace of the Me Too Movement, prison abolitionism, environmentalism and what emancipatory socialism means today.
Two hours of discussion with moderator followed by 30 minutes of Q and A with the facebook audience.
Sponsored by the Alliance of MENA Socialists
Videolink to the event that took place on Nov. 17:
Nadia Mahmoud: Iraqi socialist feminist
Kevin Lin is an activist and researcher of China’s labor movement. He co-edits the open-access journal Made in China ( that analyzes labor and social movements in China. He works on building international labor solidarity and is a contributor to Jacobin, Labor Notes, New Politics and New Labor Forum.
Ahmed Isamaldin is a Sudanese artist and activist in Germany who produces the blog:
Sina Zekavat Anti-war activist and member of the Alliance of MENA Socialists has written articles on the student movement in Iran and solidarity with Syrian revolutionaries.
Julia Wallace: Black anti-racist socialist activist and contributor for Left Voice. She served on the South Central Neighborhood Council in Los Angeles, organizes against police brutality and in defense of tenants’ rights, LGBTQ, women and immigrants’ rights.
Frieda Afary, Philosophy M.A., librarian, writer and translator produces Iranian Progressives in Translation and is a member of the Alliance of MENA Socialists. She has written articles in English and Persian about the Middle East, labor, youth and feminist struggles in Iran, socialist feminism, Marx’s Capital and Marxist critiques of state capitalism in the former USSR and Maoist China.