The Alliance of
Middle Eastern and North African Socialists

On the Siege of Aleppo

On the Siege of Aleppo

The following article by Leila Al-Shami, co-author of Burning Courntry:  Syrians in Revolution and War (Pluto, 2016) is a call to action in defense of the people of Aleppo and all Syrian revolutionaries.  It also offers a frank assessment of the deep contradictions...

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Federalism Might Be an Option, But Inclusiveness is a Must

Federalism Might Be an Option, But Inclusiveness is a Must

No solution for the Kurdish issue and no inclusive Syria can be developed without recognizing the Kurds as a people or nation and providing unconditional support for the self-determination of the Kurdish people in Syria and elsewhere; This does not mean being...

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Connecting Black Lives Matter and Syrian Lives Matter

Connecting Black Lives Matter and Syrian Lives Matter

Despite the differences in the historical experiences of African American freedom fighters and Syrian revolutionaries, both have something in common: Being treated as the dehumanized “other,” and suffering from the ways in which prejudice and discrimination have been...

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Opposing the Coup in Turkey, Surviving Erdogan

Opposing the Coup in Turkey, Surviving Erdogan

To oppose the military coup in Turkey is an absolute necessity. The army in Turkey is not and has never been a friend of the popular classes and the Kurdish population in the country. Historically, every military coup has been followed by vast repression and...

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