Los Angeles Panel: New Directions for Socialist Feminist Resistance, An International Dialogue
Speakers: Arielle Concilio, Latina gender studies student and activist, member of Left Voice Julia Wallace, Black anti-racist activist, member of SEIU and Left Voice Ashleigh Campi, gender studies and political theory scholar and activist Frieda Afary, producer...
Statement from a group of international socialist feminists in solidarity with Iranian women
We the signatories of this statement, refuse to separate our opposition to U.S. imperialism and any imperialist war drive on Iran, from our support for the progressive and revolutionary social justice struggles of Iranian women, workers and oppressed minorities...
The Rise, Decline and Return of Marxist Feminism
In this introduction to the new Persian translation of Heather Brown’s Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study (Brill Press, 2012 and Haymarket Press, 2013), the translators situate Brown’s work in the context of the various tendencies within Marxist...
Support Iranian Women’s Acts of Protest Against the Compulsory Hijab: Drawing Lessons from 1979 and Today
These are incredibly courageous acts in a country in which the hijab is compulsory, and where women who do not wear their headscarves properly can be arrested, assaulted, face fines, lashes and imprisonment. . . These acts of protest are part of a broader wave of...
Women’s Resistance in Syria
Women in Syria face numerous challenges yet continue to struggle against fascism, imperialism and patriarchy. Yet with the partial exception of Syrian-Kurdish women in the north, they are absent from mainstream narratives on Syria, relegated invisible by the focus on...
Why Did Foucault Disregard Iranian Feminists in His Support for Khomeini?
The case of a renowned anti-authoritarian Western philosopher legitimizing the coming-to-power of a brutal theocratic ruling class in Iran raises a number of pressing questions. How could this have come to pass? Review of Foucault and the Iranian Revolution: Gender...
Iranian LGBT Activist and Writer Comments on Orlando Florida Massacre
Author: Shadi Amin Date: June 13, 2016 Translated by Frieda Afary Source: http://www.iranianprogressives.org/iranian-lgbt-activist-writer-comments-orlando-florida-massacre/ Persian original : https://www.facebook.com/shadi.aminn/posts/10154274781209521...
Seeing the Women in Revolutionary Syria
Author: Razan Ghazzawi Date of publication: March 2014 Source: “The People Want to Bring Down the Regime” in Fabrikzeitung #299 http://www.rotefabrik.ch/_images/admin/zeitung/1394041288_fz_299_web.pdf...
Iranians Discuss Nancy Fraser’s and Women of Color’s Critiques of Feminism
Nancy Fraser’s recent article, “How Feminism Became Capitalism’s Handmaiden and How to Reclaim It” has led to some interesting discussions among Iranian women and men inside Iran and in exile. In her article, Fraser argues that the...