Watch a youtube video of this online panel which discussed the following questions and more: What are the balance of forces today in Algeria and Sudan? And what has changed since 2011 that may allow for a different outcome than the bleak reality we have seen across the Middle East for the past 6 years? What has been the role of women fighting patriarchy? What is the anti-racist dimension of these struggles, especially concerning solidarity with the victims of genocide in Darfur? How are labor unions involved? What role does the opposition to capitalism play in these uprisings? What kind of international solidarity is needed?
Four speakers–two Algerian activists, and two Sudanese– participated in an online panel on Facebook Livestream on June 1st to answer these questions and more. Youtube link is below:
Today in Sudan and Algeria, people’s uprisings that broke out this past winter have won momentous victories for the first time since the start of the 2011 Revolutions, overthrowing the heads of the regimes in both countries. But the people have vowed to go beyond the overthrow of their dictators, to take down the entire structure of the old regimes and replace them with governments that represent the people. They have also been working diligently to avoid the same mistakes as in Egypt and Syria, where the counterrevolution came to dominate by 2013 through the fracturing of peaceful protest and the large-scale acceptance of a military coup in Egypt.
What sparked these latest uprisings, and what has made them so successful thus far? What are the balance of forces today in Algeria and Sudan? And what has changed since 2011 that may allow for a different outcome than the bleak reality we have seen across the Middle East for the past 6 years? What has been the role of women fighting patriarchy? What is the anti-racist dimension of these struggles, especially concerning solidarity with the victims of genocide in Darfur? How are labor unions involved? What role does the opposition to capitalism play in these uprisings? What kind of international solidarity is needed?
Four speakers–two Algerian activists, and two Sudanese–will be tuning into Facebook Livestream on June 1st to answer these questions and more.
Dr. Hamza Hamouchene is a London-based Algerian scholar-activist, commentator, researcher, and a founding member of Algeria Solidarity Campaign (ASC), and Environmental Justice North Africa (EJNA). He previously worked for War on Want, Global Justice Now and Platform London on issues of extractivism, resources, land and food sovereignty as well as climate, environmental, and trade justice. He is the author/editor of two books: “The Struggle for Energy Democracy in the Maghreb” (2017) and The Coming Revolution to North Africa: The Struggle for Climate Justice (2015). He also contributed book chapters to “Voices of Liberation: Frantz Fanon” (2014) and “The Palgrave Encyclopaedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism” (2016). His other writings have appeared in the Guardian, Middle East Eye, Counterpunch, New Internationalist, Jadaliyya, openDemocracy, Pambazuka, Nawaat, El Watan and the Huffington Post.
Sara Abbas is a doctoral candidate in political science and a feminist who researches social movements in Sudan. She has written for Transition magazine, OpenDemocracy and The Nation. The views expressed are her own and do not represent those of insitutions she is affiliated with.
Adam Baher is a Sudanese human rights activist based in Berlin, Germany. He is a member of Justice Equality Movement Sudan (JEM).
Selma Oumari, a member of the New Anticapitalist in France, involved in antiracist struggles as well as international solidarity.
Co-sponsored by:
Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists
Socialism Conference
MENA Solidarity Network
Socialist Alternative – Red Flag
Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st Century (RS21)
New Politics
Democratic Socialists of America’s International Committee
Chicago Socialists
ندوة: بث حي: ١٢ ظهرًا بتوقيت نيويورك // ٥ مساءً بتوقيت لندن // ٦ مساءً بتوقيت الخرطوم
لأول مرة منذ بدايات ثورات ٢٠١١، سجّلت الانتفاضات الشعبية التي اندلعت في الشتاء الماضي في السودان والخرطوم انتصارات مهمّة أطاحت برأسي النظام في البلدين. لكن الناس قرروا المضي أبعد من مجرّد إسقاط الدكتاتور، مطالبين بتفكيك كامل هيكل النظام القديم واستبداله بحكم يمثّل الشعب، ومصرّين على تجنّب أخطاء مصر وسوريا، حيث سيطرت الثورة المضادة بحلول ٢٠١٣ من خلال كسر الاحتجاجات السلمية والوصول إلى قبول واسع باالانقلاب العسكري في مصر.
فما هي الشرارة التي أطلقت الانتفاضات الأخيرة؟ وما سرّ نجاحها حتى الآن؟ ما هي موازن القوى اليوم في الجزائر والسودان؟ وما الذي تغيّر منذ ٢٠١١ والذي قد يؤدّي إلى نتيجة مختلفة عن الواقع القاتم الذي تشهده منطقة الشرق الأوسط في السنوات الـ٦ الأخيرة؟
يستضيف البث الحي ٤ متحدثين/ات (٢ من الجزائر و٢ من السودان) في ١ حزيران/يونيو للإجابة عن هذه الأسئلة وغيرها.
حمزة حموشين، كاتب وباحث وعضو مؤسس في “حملة التضامن مع الجزائر في لندن” وفي منظمة “العدالة البيئية في شمال أفريقيا”.
سارة عبّاس، طالبة دكتوراه في العلوم السياسية في كلية الدراسات العليا للثقافات والمجتمعات الإسلامية في برلين.
من تنظيم:
تحالف الاشتراكيين في الشرق الأوسط
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